Now that we're settled into our new server, it's time to announce our first freeleech period in 3 years. That's right! All torrents will be considered free to leech starting from Monday 9th to Sunday 15th of May for all enabled users including those on probation. During this week no download will be counted, only upload matters. Also uploading new torrents will be completely turned off including request fills. We will introduce a countdown clock and timer soon to keep you informed.我们终于把站点移到了一个新服务器上,现在我们要宣布,我们3年以来第一次将要进行全站Freeleech!
On Probation,只能下Featured Torrents来提高自己的ratio)。这期间下载不计,只有上传计算。
不过同时,上传新种子的功能将暂时关闭,包括fill request。我们将会设计一个倒计时时钟来提醒各位。
And there's a catch, or a carrot if you will, too. We have recorded a total number of peers on KG at a certain point of time. If we have doubled that amount at the end of the week-long leechfest, we will give you another week of festivities within the next two months. So keep on seeding those torrents after you've grabbed them. We will announce the number of peers to aim for before the 9th.
当然我们还有一个小陷阱,或者对你来说也可能是美味的胡萝卜(俺们不是兔子 - -)。我们已经在某一时段记录了KG的所有peer数量。如果在这一周的freeleech中,peer数量比我们所记录的翻倍,那么我们在接下来的两个月里还有一周活动时间。
The basic idea of this leechfest is two-fold. Firstly, we want to stress-test our new tracker and see where its limits are at. Perhaps we need to do a tweak or two here and there. Secondly, we want to reward everyone involved for making KG such a success it has been throughout the years. We wouldn't be anything without our loyal users.
这几天开放注册吗 回复 chenjiantian 的帖子
好吧 我表示很无力 对于里面的会员来说是个好消息啊,支持 KG耶...
來參與盛會... 既然不会再开放,没有号的表示无奈 咱们没账号的就在外面看看吧,呵呵 开放注册吗,让我们没加入的也有机会狂欢一下吧。 好消息啊,到时好好刷一下Buffer {:3_286:}
进去好些天了都没敢下什么 是国内的吗?去看看哈 本帖最后由 golden 于 2011-5-4 10:53 编辑
如果你喜爱贾樟柯的电影的话,这个站才有进去的必要 {:3_255:}
如果只看商业片,则完全没有必要进 这个。。开放注册就好了{:2_115:} 没账号的就在外面看看吧 赶快去下老动画去 哈哈 谢谢分享信息。。。 额 刚看到 要从9号开始 还没到点呢 希望能开放注册。 没有账号的飘过啊 感谢楼主分享消息,不过没有号 其实真正会去看里面电影的会有几个人啊。。。。大多数人欣赏不了也不愿意去欣赏