LS-CHL BT文件复制出来后,总会有trasbox
LS-CHL BT文件复制出来后,总会生成个trasbox文件夹,同时会生成复制出来的文件备份,问下怎么才能去掉啊~ KB#000085 - TrashBox explainedREGION: All
ISSUE: The trashbox directory is your recycling bin.
CAUSE: When you delete a file off the Terastation is gets moved to the trashbox.
PLATFORM(S): Terastation NAS Devices
SOLUTION: The trashbox directory is your recycling bin. When you delete a file off the Terastation is gets moved to the trashbox.
1. If you want to empty the Recycle Bin (ie the trashbox folder), all you need to do is delete the trashbin folder.
2. If you would like to get ride of the trashbox, disable the Recycle Bin option for the Share Folder.
3. You can do this by logging into the web interface on the Terastation and then goto Shared Folders->Shared Folder Name. Then set Recycle Bin to disable. 搞定了~呵呵 留着也好,避免误删除 搞定了~呵呵
kainin 发表于 2009-3-2 18:41
怎么搞掂的. web设置里面可以选择是否需要回收站. 过来学习了!