本帖最后由 salexnova 于 2011-6-20 04:33 编辑Dear members,
Today we introduced a new system of accounting and recording the downloaded/uploaded amount of data. The major change is a requirement to download at least 15 GB per quarter (3 months).
This is in a response to the big number of inactive accounts - as of today there are a lot of members that regularly log in but do nothing at the site - they do not download or seed anything.
Now this will change. Everyone is required to download 15 GB for a period of 90 days. If you download less than 15 GB per 90 days, you will first get a reminder to comply with the new rule within 3 days. If you don't download 15 GB within 90 days, your account will be disabled.
All the other ratio requirements still apply.
HD-T 考核
Dear members,Today we introduced a new system of accounting and recording the downloaded/uploaded amount of data. The major change is a requirement to download at least 15 GB per quarter (3 months).
This is in a response to the big number of inactive accounts - as of today there are a lot of members that regularly log in but do nothing at the site - they do not download or seed anything.
Now this will change. Everyone is required to download 15 GB for a period of 90 days. If you download less than 15 GB per 90 days, you will first get a reminder to comply with the new rule within 3 days. If you don't download 15 GB within 90 days, your account will be disabled.
All the other ratio requirements still apply.
呵呵 有点意思啊
这次可以尽情的喷啊 反正没人管 也没人会理我们
你也真是快。。。 天朝输出价值观了 上去看看老外是怎么喷的 呵呵 三个月15g压力倒是不大。 没好的飘过
考核已成潮流 这个比ttg的考核还是容易多了,毕竟是三个月 令人无语啊...{:1_83:} 下载容易上传难啊,不过真无所谓。 看看去。。。。。。。 这个考核实在是不算什么!90天才15G这还是可以接受的! 也去看看。。。。 这个考核标准不高吧 楼主真有意思!随便喷!感觉要求不是很过分!怎么喷! 无账号,无压力。{:2_103:} 无压力,不搞末尾淘汰就好啊…… 呃,这个确实有点郁闷了。 在ti上申请了,楼主半个月没上线,5555 这站上传第一的8个P是怎么传出来的……