本帖最后由 梦子梦 于 2011-7-6 11:46 编辑刚才刷新了下,结果打开了~~~貌似恢复了,红种的话就更新下tracker
终于恢复了!楼主好运啊 太感动了~~最近就在IRC混了,难受死了 梦子梦 发表于 2011-7-6 11:42 static/image/common/back.gif
赞一个~~~~~~楼主好幸运~~~ As many of you noticed we had some unexpected downtime. We ask for a little bit of patients while our intrepid team of developers work to get everything on the site running as it should. That said, not everything is going to be working 100% right off the bat. Please don't report any HnR's or stat discrepancies you may experience in the next few days. All staff PMs regarding incorrect HnR's will be ignored. We promise to make amends for any lost seed time.
-BTN Staff
正在进行维护,会出些问题。 稍安毋躁。 注意如果数据有差错,请在未来几天内不要打扰管理,给管理法短信 - 都会被无视。
最后一句:会对丢失的上传时间有所补偿 - 很好奇会是什么形式!!! 恢复了!楼主好运啊 感谢楼主分享信息 感谢楼主分享信息 过去看看~看还有木有邀请送~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 楼主人品爆发啊{:3_147:} 不知道这是什么网站。酱油 终于恢复了,同喜同喜 哇,楼主很幸运哦 谢谢楼主分享信息 本帖最后由 qing5559 于 2011-7-6 19:56 编辑
楼主幸运。。。。。。 最近似乎网络不是很稳定~ 鼻涕恩,这名字……………… 好心有好報~{:2_99:}