As of today has become a ratio-free tracker. This means that everybody will ALWAYS be able to download content. The consequence of having a low ratio will be that you will be limited in the number of torrents you can use at once.
To differentiate members in groups, we do look at the ratio. We now use six new user groups:
- Insane Seeder (ratio 4 or higher, gets triggered after 1 TB of up/download, unlimited torrents)
- Power Seeder (Ratio between 2 and 3.99, gets triggered after 400 GB of up/download, unlimited torrents)
- Seeder (Ratio between 1 and 1.99, gets triggered after 100 GB of up/download, unlimited torrents)
- Member (ratio between 0.7 and 0.99, gets triggered after 25 GB of up/download, unlimited torrents)
- Leech (Ratio between 0.5 and 0.69, gets triggered after 100 GB of up/download, 3 torrents at once)
- Bat (Ratio between 0,3 and 0.49, gets triggered after 250 GB of up/download, 2 torrents at once)
- Vampire (Ratio lower than 0.3, gets triggered after 500 GB of up/download, 1 torrent at once)
The Gold/Silver torrents have been removed completely. The upload multiplier has been removed for the biggest part. Only internal torrents (=EuReKA) get 2x upload.
Rabomil 谢谢楼主分享信息 感謝樓主分享信息 这个 我没有号没有关系!~~~ 原来EuReKA这个组在BD25 谢谢楼主分享信息 谢谢楼主分享信息 这个没有号,帮顶一下。 谢谢楼主的 信息 国外的俺就不凑热闹了...... 注册过,现在酱油中,国外站难混 相当完蛋的一个站界面太丑了 国外的,,还是打酱油。。 好像Ratioless是国外站发展趋势。 有了这个兴趣来了。
谢谢楼主分享信息~~ 感谢分享,ratiofree,呵呵 向来对国外的PT站有点搞不清楚 不知道變成這個形式
會不會比較有優勢呢 很不错的消息,感谢分享 谢谢LZ分享信息~~~~~~~