TL Invitations
{:3_286:}{:3_286:} TL Invitations{:3_286:}{:3_286:}First of all, we would like to announce that we updated the site today, fixing several bugs reported. We also added a new filter option for torrents, that let's you filter out the most popular releases ( counted by the number of seeders). This will help many users that quickly want to track down the latest popular movies or series.
Also, we thought it is time to give everyone the chance to invite a friend of theirs, so we gave at least one invitation to all users. Have in mind though, that these invitations WILL expire at some point, so if you want to invite a friend of yours, you have to do it now.
Wednesday 3rd of August 2011 02:17:02 PM
什么意思求翻译,鸟语一样 这么说TL会有很多邀请码出来了?期待能有机会进入TL 期待能有机会进入TL 小菜表示不太清楚TL是什么类型站,求指教 哇哇~太好了~可以放邀请了~楼主有没有??去邀请去放邀请吧~ 来个强人翻一下。。。。 废话就不翻译了,主要是说TL会给说有会员最少一个邀请来邀请他们的朋友! 看不懂,求翻译{:1_81:} 反正就是说给每人发了至少1个邀请 原来是有邀请了。。 于是我这超级酱油号也有了邀请~~~ 真难得啊,TL是个大站,能进去就要好好珍惜~ 以后估计TL的邀请会多了 就是所有会员都有邀请发啦~ 可以有邀请码了……!!{:2_99:} 那是不是预示着我那只有2G上传的TL也有一个邀请啦{:2_135:} 好消息啊,终于有机会进入TL了 哦??看了一下,还真懂了俩邀请唉.... 没加啊,还是两个。。