本帖最后由 sherry 于 2011-8-22 14:14 编辑Security related issues
It has come to our attention that someone is requesting a lot of recovery-links. I believe that they are trying email adresses from some recently hacked website. They do this to see if accounts exist or not. The recovery form / page has now been altered to look the same weither or not the email-adresses exist. This to make it a little bit harder for the crackers/hackers to enumerate accounts.
If you by chance get this recovery mail and haven't requested it you can simply ignore it. However please change your email adress and passwords to minimize the chances of you loosing your account.
以免丢失账号。 该贴已经同步到 sherry的微博 谢谢斑竹 分享最新消息 楼主这么早起来..真是辛苦了。!! 没有好的飘过。呵呵 看来很多PT站点同账号同邮箱格外需要注意安全了 辛苦了版主,谢谢 谢谢版主,了解一下情况 可恶的盗号者!! 还能防黑 挺好的 要注意一下最近自己的e-mail了 回复 sherry 的帖子
谢谢楼主的提醒!! 感谢提醒 辛苦了版主,谢谢 本帖最后由 laor99 于 2011-8-23 12:53 编辑
5点多,楼主熬通宵了,还是起得早? 谢谢楼主的提醒!! 感谢斑竹分享新信息 谢谢楼主分享信息 我就是同邮箱同帐号呀,没事吧。 路过看一下!欣赏欣赏!