Indie Torrents is back
Site url: torrents were down for quiet a long time. Reason stated by them for the downtime was lack of funds and changes in the site hosting. They are back now with gazelle and a lot of changes made in the right direction.
Welcome back.
We spruced up the digs a bit for our return. You can almost smell the febreeze in the air! There's some PBR in the kitchen too, though spacemouse is passed out by the fridge so you might need to move him to get to it.
The band just showed up, and they are finishing setting up out back. Thanks for the offer but they've got everything under control, though they're certainly listening for comments or problems in the forums.
Get ready to rock!
translation: start uploading! poke around! just please post in the bugs forum if you come across anything out of whack.
Screenshot (New site):
Screenshot (Old Site):
这个是关于indie音乐的站点? 各种pt站真是多啊{:2_107:} 多谢楼主分享信息 感谢楼主分享信息 传送门在哪里;-( PT多了也浪费,多谢 抬头挺有意思
猪托着个什么? 蛤蟆?