This Monday (the 24th of October), the staff are performing some hardware and software upgrades. To facilitate this, the site will be taken down on Sunday night (CST) and stay down until the maintenance is done, though the tracker will remain up for most of this period. We thank you for your patience during the downtime. As always, you can keep up on Twitter and IRC in #what.cd-downtime while the upgrades occur.难怪这几天一直红种 非常感谢楼主分享信息~ 感谢楼主分享信息! 多谢通知 what老是维护啊,呵呵 what维护完都不带free的,不讲究,呵呵 what不知道好不好混啊 难怪今天早上登不上去呢! 看来有号的兄弟不少,羡慕啊. 看到一大堆英文我就知道我没账号 算是知道原因了{:3_308:}