Jpop开放在线申请 Tumblr Invite Application and SupportIn the tumblr, , is for submissions with which you might gain an Invite to the tracker. You can also use it to ask general questions or even to get support in case your account was disabled or some-such.
JPopsuki Invite submissions - What can you submit for an invite?
Almost anything as long as it's something you made yourself, it's creative and/or witty and does involve JPopsuki in some way!
Audio files, Videos or just your standard self made picture... use the submit option below and don't forget to include your email address when submitting with your own Tumblr account, in case you have no account you need to enter the email anyway. Don't forget that we will use the address provided to send the invite to in case your submission was deemed worthy, so don't give us a fake one please.
In case you need support, use the ask or submit box for this as well. Describe your problem and don't forget to mention your username, otherwise we will not be able to help you!
If you need Support or want apply for an invite check their Tumblr:
JPopSuki .::IS::. Review: http://www.invitesce...pop-music-2011/ 谢谢分享~ 感谢分享信息 I think this is non-official.{:3_155:} 感谢LZ分享信息 谢谢分享信息 感谢楼主的分享 Cheshire 发表于 2011-11-14 23:37 static/image/common/back.gif
I think this is non-official.
连区域都是,应该是官方的吧! 看洋文有压力的 非常感谢通知。 {:5_421:}曾经开放注册过,后来帐号忘了 呵呵,谢谢分享 之前周年庆的时候开放注册,现在又开放申请了 jeffmy 发表于 2011-11-15 03:55 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢分享信息 这站不知什么时候进去过。。。。。。。 谢谢分享信息 回帖那么多就是没有影币啊 感谢告知。{:1_87:} 感谢分享信息呀……