CHDBits 3 years birthday and sixth anniversary celebration
For CHDBits 3 years birthday, and sixth anniversary celebration, we goona start to invite in limited time, details:1. In 1st DEC~7th DEC 2011, every "user" and above level members will receive 3 free time-limitedinvitations , you can send to your friends.
2. During the activity,people were invited to make mistakes, does not affect the invitees (except registe dupe account).
3. Newbie Task: At the same time ,we start the new system to assess new member.
Exam Aims:
*Deadline: 30 Days
*Uploaded: 30 GB
*Downloaded: 30 GB
*Se./Le. Time Ratio (SLTR): 6(Check the faq)
4. During the activity(1st DEC~7th DEC), all level will be locked. no level up and down , after 7th DEC , gonna be normal.
---CHDBits Staff---
这个不是CHD活动的英文版么.... 没啥变化啊~ 楼主是来帮我们复习英语的。。。 给外国人看的。。。。。。 过来围观下%……
不错,有水平,谢谢楼主! 多谢分享英文版的好消息 幸好英文还行,看得懂,呵呵 好像能看懂点 这个是翻译过来的英文版吧 看完中文看英文完全看懂! 其实就是CHD的活动介绍。英文界面的。。 恭喜一下,期待能获得邀请 学习英语{:1_85:} 感谢分享信息~ Thanks for your info. 又要开始开闸筛选了。 给外国人看的。。。{:1_95:} 庆祝CHD生日啊