B t N Advent Calendar
Advent Calendar[*]You can claim a prize once every 24 hours.
[*]If you forget to claim a prize in a given 24 hour period, the potential prize is lost. Sorry!
[*]You can receive the following normal prizes: 100 Bonus Points or 250MB Upload Credit.
[*]You can receive the following rare prizes: Custom Title, 1GB Upload Credit, or 150 Lumens.
[*]There is also an extremely rare chance to receive a gold star.
[*]Once the advent calendar is over, you can redeem any and all gold stars for really awesome prizes.
Advent Calendar点一点,你会有惊喜!
惊喜还不错,不知道嘛几率 沒有這號,但還是謝謝通知 只拿到了100积分.不够福利啊. 250MB Upload Credit...还不如100分啊{:2_113:} You have received the following prize:
150 Lumens
Happy Holidays!
爽 呵呵 拿到100积分哦!感觉好好玩 哈哈! 多谢楼主分享信息啊 要不我还不知道呢! 看来不少人玩这站啊。。。。。。。。。。 謝謝通知{:2_99:} 感谢楼主分享信息 求邀请求不到,真郁闷的 外站还不熟悉的说 赶紧去点一点啊,记住了 不错的东东嘛,哈哈 可惜木有账号不怎么好玩 拿到了自定义头衔.......... 感谢楼主分享信息 100 bonus points
这不是挂几分钟就能搞到的礼物{:5_419:} 感谢楼主分享 250MB UP
不知道里面的gold star是干啥用的阿,求解