本帖最后由 ULD 于 2011-12-10 06:50 编辑
没freeleech,no bonus,比较难混
补充内容 (2011-12-10 14:25):
Ratio: 2,998,273.000UL: 2.86 MBDL: 0.00 kBAct:10
一上午的成果 很難混,我差點就被冰掉了 哈哈。 New members (members with accounts less than 4 weeks old) and members with a ratio below 1.00 should always continue to seed for at least 48 - 72 hours or until they reach a upload to download ratio of 1:1, whichever comes first.Members with ratios above 1.00 may stop seeding immediately after download, if the torrent has a seeder to leecher ratio of 6:1 or higher.
Use your account or lose it.
Accounts with no activity for 60 days will be disabled automatically by the system.
Accounts that have zero activity (0 bytes uploaded and 0 bytes downloaded) after being a member for 30 days will be disabled automatically by the system.
Accounts with less than 175MB in total Upload / Download activity per month may be disabled.
有考核?月流量175MB以上?无流量直接BAN掉?这么蛋疼的规定...又是国外站..养了完全是给别人做贡献? 小水管很难在这里混。一般资源在BtN,TvT.ro都可以找得到。WEB资源不比BtN,TvT.ro多。 听了楼上几位的发言那我就继续保留我的把!这个就不玩了!有点忍不住 呵呵! 楼主辛苦,感谢分享 谢谢分享! 这个站也开了{:2_131:} 多谢楼主 注册到了~ 謝謝通知 {:5_395:}我靠这也开放,酱油我也要去注册一个 来这里纯支持一下吧 我就不去打酱油了 这个站好像是大站。。。。。。。。。 下載超快瞬間載完,但…上傳一陣一陣,應該是水管太大,大家都是瞬間載完,上傳要賭或是要找對影片 谢谢分享信息 像BITMETV这类站点都属于上传不易的站点了
一直听说难混的。。。 感谢分享~~ 是个名气不错的站,不过考虑到自己的情况,忍住,忍住~ 感谢分享,这个站居然也开放注册了,不过貌似非常难混……