alphaomega down,前途不明
Well, as you can see, AO torrent site has been replaced with a big ol’ Blog/Forum. This isn’t because AO is dead, and it’s not because we’re editing AO to 2.0. We have simply come to a time in everyone’s lives when we realize that AO isn’t what we want it to be. So, we’re taking it down, and doing a full revamp. We are undecided what we’ll be doing with her name or if we’ll just completely restart from scratch.
就是啊,我还以为是愚人节的玩笑呢。 感谢楼主发帖告知 但愿这不是一种大趋势吧 ==
感谢LZ发帖告知........ 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主告知。。。。 论坛是我家,发展靠大家! 感谢楼主发贴告知! 注册过这个站 不知道号还在不 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主发贴告知! 没人气只好挂了 感谢楼主发帖告知 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主发帖告知 感谢楼主发贴告知!