4、上传的音轨类资源必须匹配站内已经存在的视频类资源,且音轨文件的比特率不得低于384 kbps
To further encourage the spirit of seeding among CHD members, below are the additional rules based on Rules and regulation on uploading resources to CHDBits to further restrict on resources to be uploaded:
1. Only full music album is allowed, do not upload any single lossless track from any kind of CD/compilation/etc.
2. Do not upload single MTV, single advertisement, preview, trailers or any other video clips which is shorter than 10 minutes in length.
3. Do not crop / edit any part of released resources and re-upload as new torrent (except audio track from blu-ray disc).
4. Users should only upload relevant audio resources where their respective video tracks are available in CHD. The bitrate shall not be lower than 384kbps.
5. Users (except uploaders or higher class) should only pack the complete season of normal TV resources (animation, documentaries, series and other non-movie video) in 720p; For pack exceeding 50GB, multiple seasons, single seasons across multiple years (720p), original blu-ray, remux and 1080p shall go thru the normal election process. (Approved resources such as these shall be seeded by original uploaders for at least 72 hours or 8 weeks warning will be given)
6. multiple seasons drama / tv series shall only be packed in COMPLETE together with the final season. No other multiple seasons packs are allowed.
7. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between this and "Rules and regulation on uploading resources to CHDBits", this additional guidelines shall prevail.
==============CHDBits Staff================
感谢楼主发帖告知! 感谢楼主发帖告知! 感谢楼主发帖告知! 发个种子越来越难了 感谢楼主发帖告知! 感谢楼主发帖告知!
感谢楼主发帖告知! 感谢楼主发帖告知!
感谢楼主发帖告知! 这就合理解释了之前的小包种子“被消失”的原因!{:7_705:} 感谢楼主发帖告知!
感谢楼主发帖告知! 感谢楼主发帖告知! 今早才看到! 一切的更改都是为了便于保种{:7_727:}
感谢楼主发帖告知! sgyanj_r4w 发表于 2012-4-10 09:09 static/image/common/back.gif
我感觉这样比较好,不然种子乱七八糟的。当然也有负面的。 感谢楼主发帖告知 感谢楼主发帖告知!