As many of you have already noticed, our site has been facing technical difficulties in these past few weeks and it’s only a matter of time until we could be offline again.For Tv TORRENTs to continue operating in the future we are asking you to consider donating if you have some money to spare.
Please contact LostinPussy if you are willing to do so.
感谢告知 感谢楼主发帖告知~ 我看懂了,他在求捐助呢 要赞助还不简单,一个月内上传下载100G考核,赞助会员免考 感谢楼主发帖告知 感谢告知 多谢楼主发帖告知。 感谢分享 感谢楼主发帖告知! 感谢楼主发帖告知~ goldenthumb 发表于 2012-4-21 18:12 static/image/common/back.gif
那他就混不下去了 感谢楼主发帖告知 TVT求赞助了~ 赞助会员免考 感谢楼主发贴告知 没号撸过 呵呵,原来是鼓励大伙集资。对我来说,可有可无的站,暂时不会考虑
感谢楼主发帖告知~ 感谢告知