We would like to kindly remind everyone of our Uploading rules. Torrents violating these rules will be deleted instantly and without a notice. Thank you for your understanding!11.06.2012 The tracker rules have been updated with various minor changes and clarifications. All members are strongly advised to read them once again carefully.
10.06.2012 Changes in the ratio rules: Starting today, we have introduced some changes in the ratio rules. The grace download amount has been reduced from 25 GB to 10 GB. However, to be fair to our users, we have extended the grace period for ratio improving to a total of 6 days. In other words, once your total downloaded amount is past the 10 GB mark, you are subject to the ratio requirement of > 0.7. If your ratio is then less than 0.7, you will have 6 days to improve it before your account gets automatically disabled. 感谢告知 昨天刚刚注册的,这个要看,谢谢了 谢谢告知了
我也是昨天刚进去。buffer变小了 国外站还搞什么考核。坚决不混{:7_742:} 小了15g啊,我要的就是这15g,无法酱油了。 谢谢告知了
今天才注册的,谢谢告知 楼主可以告知下,新注册的要完成本季度的15G下载考核吗?本季度就是本月底了啊,没盒子的人看来是更加难通过了 感谢告知! 15g是实际下载量,包括优惠种 感谢楼主告知 多谢告知 sgyanj_r4w 发表于 2012-6-11 17:07 static/image/common/back.gif
楼主可以告知下,新注册的要完成本季度的15G下载考核吗?本季度就是本月底了啊,没盒子的人看来是更加难通过 ...
我也有同样担心啊 xf1 发表于 2012-6-11 23:03 static/image/common/back.gif
这个不用担心了,新注册的从下季度开始考核 感谢楼主分享