Change your password. 3 hours and 49 mins agoAlmost three weeks ago, we made the following announcement:
Lately, more and more accounts have been compromised due to weak or shared passwords. Please immediately ensure that your What.CD password is both unique and secure. This means that 1. the password is used only for your What.CD account (not for other websites or services) and 2. is sufficiently long and complex. You can refer to this guide for tips to create a unique and secure password.
We apologize if you already changed your password; this is the last intended password reminder. There are still many, many hacked accounts every day. To further protect users' accounts, we have added more requirements instead of only password length. We understand that this is very strict, but it's also very effective.
We are not forcing password updates, but we strongly urge all users to update their passwords. You can re-enter your current password if it already meets the new requirements. As we have said, however, the best way to ensure your account security is still never to use the same password twice! Whether or not you update your password, please ensure that it is unique to What.CD.
If you forget your password, the password reset form appears after you fail to log in once.
The reminder at the top of the page was sent to every user—the system has no way of knowing whether your password is secure. Your passwords are stored very securely, and not in plain text.
(not for other websites or services)
赌人品吧 這應該是本月第二次提醒修改密碼了吧!好麻煩啊!
幹嘛修改密碼?? 感谢楼主发贴告知。 我的每个站的密码都是随机的。然后用个文件写下来保存。 感谢告知! 什么 劝告改密码,不是一次两次了 funpower 发表于 2012-6-17 20:28 static/image/common/back.gif
好吧,不怕文件坏掉或是重装忘记了吗 johnshit 发表于 2012-6-17 20:20 static/image/common/back.gif
很多密码泄露 wangjian167 发表于 2012-6-17 20:06 static/image/common/back.gif
(not for other websites or services)
RP。。。好吧,我也是这样的 123ABD 发表于 2012-6-17 20:40 static/image/common/back.gif
什么 劝告改密码,不是一次两次了
。。。再次劝告,看来泄密事件愈演愈烈了 kan_tony 发表于 2012-6-17 20:40 static/image/common/back.gif
发送邮件了,如果邮件出卖了我。那我就没办法了。 用lastpass,一切都不用愁了。 楼上 牛人 膜拜下{:7_742:} 卧槽= =感谢LZ lastpass好东西 wangting627 发表于 2012-6-17 21:48 static/image/common/back.gif
keepass和lastpass和pwsafe哪个好 感谢告知