AHD 邀请消息
Invite ChangesThe staff of AHD have decided that there should be some changes to the invite system at AHD.We feel that currently a smaller active community is what we need here, and as such, you may have noticed all users have had their invite count reset to 3.These are temporary invites that will last for 1 week.After that time, all users will have their invite count reset to 0 and invites will be closed for all users except VIP+ i.e. VIP, TC, Internals, Legends and staff. Said userclasses will have unlimited inivites to offer elsewhere to trusted users.
We understand that you may want to invite your friend in the future after the invite system closes and we will have a system in place to consider user requests.
http://awesome-hd.net/static/common/smileys/heart.gif The Staff
{:7_725:}这么给力..什么时候国内站也来下啊.. 这岂不是最后的盛宴?{:7_725:} 現在能發邀請的國外站真是買少見少{:7_725:} 卧槽,我以前10几个邀请不见了... xxwkof 发表于 2012-7-6 21:35 static/image/common/back.gif
何方神圣啊{:1_90:} 什么站来着 呵呵 我昨天才从洋鬼子那拿到AHD邀请真幸运 AHD是什么牛站 {:7_755:} 要加赶紧加,这站的内部小组的质量非常高,如果HDB说自己第一,AHD不说自己第二别的站也不好意思说了。 酱油到现在 没号的飘过 本帖最后由 gigichry 于 2012-7-7 22:29 编辑
p2pnscene 发表于 2012-7-6 23:47 static/image/common/back.gif
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