Underground Gamer - Golden Torrent Week XX: Natural 20
UG 黄金周即将开始,金种不计下载双倍上传The Golden Torrent Week will begin this Friday (10th) morning at midnight and end the following Friday (17th) morning at midnight!
As always, during Golden Torrent celebrations the tracker treats Golden Torrents a bit differently. Basically:
• Anything downloaded on a Golden Torrent during the celebrations will not count towards your download amount!
• And to reward seeders: anything uploaded on a Golden Torrent during the celebrations will count as double towards your total upload amount!
So, basically: Everyone's a winner!
You can view all of our Golden Torrents here, find more information about Golden Torrents here, and join the discussion here. 好吧,明确表示看不懂{:1_97:} 英文不好,看不明白 哈哈,赶紧bookmark几个种子。
话说老外这么怀旧的码? 本帖最后由 小样 于 2012-8-10 08:38 编辑
小样 发表于 2012-8-10 08:33 static/image/common/back.gif
这周五(10号)凌晨0点开始下周五凌晨结束。貌似已经开始了,希望我没理解错。 phoenixx 发表于 2012-8-10 08:39 static/image/common/back.gif
morning at midnight是0点的意思?没一个机翻翻得出来…… 小样 发表于 2012-8-10 11:13 static/image/common/back.gif
morning at midnight是0点的意思?没一个机翻翻得出来……
但貌似他们没按这么做啊,我早上8点多时看UG首页Stats就是Updated 2012-08-10 01:xx:xx了,但那时确实还没的标freeleech。
机翻是什么结果? 没硬盘了,郁闷啊