一.为庆祝双节长假,HDChina将开展发放限时邀请活动,详情如下:1.自9月29日晚7点始,至10月7日晚7点结束,每位“大腕”及以上等级会员将免费得到3 枚为期 8 天的限时邀请,可以发送邀请给需要的朋友。(建议使用Gmail等稳定且长期使用的邮箱,否则您将有可能收不到邀请邮件)
如果你的下载量低于10 GB,你的分享率必须高于0.3 。
如果你有超过10 GB的下载,你必须分享率高于0.4 。
如果你有超过20 GB的下载,你必须分享率高于0.5 。
如果你有超过50 GB的下载,你必须分享率高于0.6 。
如果你有超过100 GB的下载,你必须分享率高于0.7。
1.To celebrate the grand "Long Break" for mid-autumn festival and National Day,time-limit openning for invite will be held, details as follow:1>Those users who are ranking as “大腕”or prior to “大腕”will get 3 invites from system as a gift, which would be expired after 8 days.Start at 7:00 pm, Sep. 29th, end at 7:00 pm, Oct. 7th. Take the chance, invite your friends to join in us.
3>User rank qualification, as well as the restriction of invite sending monthly, will be removed during celebration. Convertibility between invites and bonus will be temporarily disabled.
4>Don't you want to try getting a backup account, it will cause both accounts to be disabled.
2.Our requirements for newbies:1>If failed to meet the following requirements, new users would be banned after 30 days from the date of registration, regardless of signing up though invites or open registrations. Further, a new account created by open registration with no upload or download behavior in the first 3 days will be banned, while 7 days for registration through regular invitation.
2>You MUST achieve 30G for both the minimum uploading and downloading amount as well as gaining "seeding" bonus no less than 4000 points in 30 days from the date of registration.
3>All members have to share back what they took. Your ratio is the amount you've uploaded divided by the amount you've downloaded. You have to maintain your ratio not lower than your required ratio, or you may lose access to new seeds or the site.
? If you have downloaded less than 10 GB, your required ratio is 0.3.
? If you have downloaded more than 10 GB, your required ratio is 0.4.
? If you have downloaded more than 20 GB, your required ratio is 0.5.
? If you have downloaded more than 50 GB, your required ratio is 0.6.
? If you have downloaded more than 100 GB, your required ratio is 0.7.
If you haven't met the required ratio at any time, Your account will be banned without warning.
Note : Donors,VIPs,uploaders, encoders, or users with higher rank are excluded from the above check-up system.
哇,HDC也来了 这个可以有啊,看来hdc才是真正泛滥啊。。。 更要泛滥了{:7_743:} 俺也可以体验下大站邀请的感觉了 好想进HDC呀 要准备求包养了{:7_754:} 这个是一定要发在限时邀请区的吗?我也想参上一脚。{:7_742:} 这个好,{:7_706:}{:7_742:}{:7_706:} jkil174 发表于 2012-9-27 11:47 static/image/common/back.gif
一年普发两次啊 3个限时邀请,爽爆了。。。 哎呀,还米有HDC的帐号 呵呵 xiaolong 发表于 2012-9-27 12:01 static/image/common/back.gif
限时邀请神马的都不想发啊。。。 好了,又要烂大街了 jkil174 发表于 2012-9-27 12:02 static/image/common/back.gif
不知道要不要发丫{:7_748:} jkil174 发表于 2012-9-27 12:02 static/image/common/back.gif
我就是上次周年限时进去的.... 可是HDC的人数上限42000,还有不到2000,要调高上限? 刚刚被清理出来 哈哈 我就激动了! {:7_755:}好高兴啊,好激动啊