【what】Reminder: Token Expiry
It's coming up to one month since the new years event, and we hope everyone's been making good use of the tokens. This is just a reminder that, as stated, all remaining tokens will expire at 00:00 on February 1st, site time. That is just under 48 hours from now as of the writing of this blog post. Enjoy!FL赶紧用掉他,有什么你喜欢的专辑现在不要犹豫了。。 噗……正下着东西就蹦出来了{:7_742:} 瞅了瞅,有80个,情何以堪呀 拿來抓了一堆電子書 剩9個 等會來耗一耗{:7_742:} 悲剧了,家里没网,只能坐等浪费了 感谢告知 今天用掉它如果我记得的话{:7_706:}
非常感谢楼主告知~~~~~~~~{:7_742:} {:7_730:}早就用完啦~~ 怎么有85个。。。。 不知道我現在還來的及嗎?去看看