我不要节操了 发表于 2013-2-5 07:09:15


本帖最后由 无论__如何 于 2013-2-4 18:10 编辑

5欧 的近一个月测试盒子,有3T流量限制(不喜请按X),其余细节看下面;

Beta test: 550GB Box - 5 Euro (24 Days)

Hey guys,

We are currently looking at refreshing some of our hardware, this is a delicate process and we want to make sure new layouts we come up with are actually feasible in real life.

That’s why today we are asking your help to stress test one of the possible hardware layouts we had in mind. The deal is as follows. For 5 you will get access to a 550GB account with 3TB (with 1Gbit up and down) of upload bandwidth that runs till the 28th of February. It does not matter when you buy your slot it will always expire on the 28th (and it can’t be renewed) so buying it earlier rather then later would be a good idea. Do know that the website might not reflect that it runs till the 28th so you need to remember to make sure you get everything off before this date. Also the box is not-refundeable.

We are mostly looking at the overall server load and thoughput performance but we might ask you to answer a small survey at the end of the month.

Edit: Boxes sold out for now, we will probably release a handful more tomorrow (05-02), announced via Twitter

Please note that there are only a few slots available, I will edit this news item when they are sold out.

Thanks in advance,

Animazing and the Bytesized Team

我不要节操了 发表于 2013-2-5 07:11:19

论坛吞 欧元符号,所以去掉了{:7_738:}

菠萝瑶 发表于 2013-2-5 07:29:53


fateacher 发表于 2013-2-5 08:07:23


dbbq 发表于 2013-2-5 08:09:18


或许无名 发表于 2013-2-5 09:41:59


kan_tony 发表于 2013-2-5 10:13:29


lislee2001 发表于 2013-2-5 10:20:47


或许无名 发表于 2013-2-5 10:45:11

本帖最后由 或许无名 于 2013-2-5 10:46 编辑


我不要节操了 发表于 2013-2-5 10:47:43

或许无名 发表于 2013-2-4 21:45 static/image/common/back.gif



bitspirit 发表于 2013-2-5 12:17:45


yoyoag 发表于 2013-2-5 16:01:12

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