【TT】Contest !!
TranceTraffic Contest !!We have actually TWO contests that we want everyone to be a part of. We're looking for contest ideas that you guys would like to participate in.
We need a contest idea where TT members can participate to win prizes like invites, VIP memberships, ratio increases, etc...
We will have two winners, one for the top 3 winners in the yet-to-be-announced contest, and another prize for the person who's idea is chosen as the best contest.
If you'd like to participate or have anything to share, please visit the Forum Thread!
汗。。看成TTG了{:7_716:} 当时没收略感后悔{:7_716:} 看成TTG+1
为啥我发风向标不能匿名{:7_738:} 上传极为难挣的一个站,还好经常全站免费 我還蠻想進去的站點呢
可惜了呢 {:7_716:}不知啥东西 我也看成ttg了, 好像电子音乐PT来.