【What】New Staff (Picks)
Many of you will have noticed that we said goodbye to longtime developer Ajax this week. He was a great developer and friend, and we wish him well in all his future endeavours. Those of you who check staff.php frequently will also have noticed that we've recently added three new moderators to the team: sensorium, silence, and ooioo. So, to celebrate Ajax's tenure on staff, and welcome our new members, we thought it was high time for a round of freeleech staff picks! Please be sure to congratulate our new members and comment on the picks in the thread!...
又一轮开始了~ 其实吧,这东西,每年圣诞刷一次足矣。 之前刷的還夠用 等聖誕節一次再來刷一筆大的{:7_725:}
本帖最后由 vocaloid 于 2013-4-3 08:32 编辑
差不多都已经出了1000多种了,刷不了{:2_136:} {:7_751:}不知道啥东西无压力 看着像天书 上传了100kb{:7_735:} 基本上传不了啊,最好天天加四大夫,这样可以天天Free啦。。。。。。 好不容易上传了500M啊 感谢告知!