Since yahoo email of China is about to going down, HDR re-open the function of changing emailfor a very short period of time.
Those who need to change their email, please do as follows:
1.Open 'Profiles' on the navigation bar.
2.Click 'Security Option' Link on the right of the page.
3.You can see that your email address is changable, enter your new email address and submit, an email with confirm-link will be sent to your old email-address.
4.Check your old email address and click the 'confirm-link' to finish the change. There's a slight possibility that the email is in your spam-box.
都可以改,速度吧 电子邮件那肿么显示的是ID。。{:7_716:} {:7_709:}我QQ邮箱都想去改一下了 不错。。 诶,可怜那些雅虎用户了 不错,改好了,可是HDS太慢了到现在还没改好。 ilove550 发表于 2013-4-21 19:10 static/image/common/back.gif
请问兄台是怎么改的,我到现在还没有收到邮件。 皇家骑士团 发表于 2013-4-22 00:25 static/image/common/back.gif
去新邮箱里,不是到雅虎邮箱 谢谢楼主的告知! ilove550 发表于 2013-4-22 05:30 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢兄台提醒,总算弄好了。 都在忙着变更邮箱啊