The number of torrents which applies to my seed bonus is different from the number of torrents which I'm seeding now.All torrents which you are seeding now are not applied to your seed bonus.
Some torrents are excluded according to the following rules.
- Torrent that its size is less than 0.5 GBytes
- Torrent that its uploaded amount is more than 3 times of its size
- Freeleech torrent
- Torrent that its total seedtime is less than 3 days (This means that you should seed the torrent more than 3 days if you want to get seed bonus)
- Torrent that its leecher no. is more that 5% of its seeder no.. - Torrent which is doing double seeding (already downloaded from other trackers) 请看最后一条,真是亮瞎了我的眼!是不是辅种的不算分?!{:7_718:}
已经放弃了,蛋疼的棒子国。。。。 没号的飘过。 操蛋啊 3天才算,擦 恩,现在0积分了,不知什么情况 就没有弄它{:7_751:} 不玩了,蛋疼 按照坛里大大提供的下载了20个老种子挂着,一天了才混一百多,而且好像现在还不涨了。。。{:7_738:} 客户端无法连接,只能放弃了 客户端无法连接,貌似只能放弃了 {:2_138:} 欢腾的小螃蟹 发表于 2013-5-11 12:38 static/image/common/back.gif
Torrent that its total seedtime is less than 3 days
所以现在新注册的都没积分的 哈哈我果然仅仅的这一次有先见之明 养不起没注册的...{:7_708:} {:7_716:}次奥 N.E.R.D 发表于 2013-5-11 12:52 static/image/common/back.gif
Torrent that its total seedtime is less than 3 days
所以现在新注 ...
问题是刚开始irc上看都有啊 {:7_716:}辅种不算... 表示irc不会弄啊{:7_735:} 这管理员就是猪脑啊,又开放又搞这么多奇葩的东西 流寇 发表于 2013-5-11 12:51 static/image/common/back.gif
我的也是,怎么搞都不行,奶奶的{:7_748:} 没注册无压力{:7_755:}