INVITE FRENZY!!!Absolutely everyone should have received three (3) bonus invites. These are extremely limited and are only available for use within 48 hours! Let's get us some fresh blood, don't be afraid to invite your friends and family members. If you have any questions at all, ask us in the forums, our irc channel or send a pm to the staff.
Discuss the news post here.
May, 16th 00:02:52 - 5 mins ago.
是传说中的那个大牛站吗???{:7_754:}{:7_754:} zzq2012 发表于 2013-5-16 08:12 static/image/common/back.gif
嗯,就那玩意。 新人不懂,球解释{:2_133:} 感謝告知{:7_755:}
感谢告知 新人求懂,那位好心的大婶解释下。 感謝告知!毛细管就不出去凑热闹了。 很有诱惑力啊 是每人有三个?但是也不认识人啊.... 看了下邀请区,没人发邀{:7_754:} 小管子不好混啊。。。。 每人3枚。好霸气 感谢告知,站址是多少 感谢告知 好消息 數一數二的站 感謝告知{:7_742:} 可惜这里求邀请的代价有点高,呵呵 {:7_751:}混不起 pengmingsong 发表于 2013-5-16 08:16 static/image/common/back.gif