Anonymous 发表于 2013-5-18 18:58:37


本帖最后由 匿名 于 2013-5-18 20:49 编辑





Anonymous 发表于 2013-5-18 18:59:19


Donations. - 3 weeks, 2 days ago   
It's the first time we have had to do this and hopefully it's not something that will have to be done to often.

I will keep this as short as I can, but as always be as honest as I can with the situation.

As most of you will be aware, we have never managed to make 100% of our donation target. For whatever reason that may be, we are unsure, but that's just the way it's been. In any case any shortfall . the sites bills have been paid from my own pocket. This has happened from day 1 of the site and something that I have always been happy to do, since it's my site after all and I guess it's something that should fall at my feet anyway, should the need arrise.

I would still be happy do do the same, but for one small problem.

I have now changed jobs.........

The new job has far greater prospects for my future goals in life. More prospects of promotions and in turn down the line, far more pay than I currently get.

The downside ?

I have a lot of training to do for the new job, which sadly means I have had to take a fairly large pay cut for the short term.

This therefore means that I will be anable to manage any shortfall that the site may have for the foreseeable future until my pay increases once again.

I think we run a pretty good site here, but then I may be slightly bias on that one ? We offer a Ratio Free site, we offer some of the fastest pre times on the Net, we offer a freindly atmosphere where nobody need fear their account being banned, we offer a request system should people meet the requirements, we don't hold any download logs or stats of accounts for security reason..... All in all, we offer quite a deal more than most sites and there is still more on the way !

If you feel we are doing things right, then please help keep the site alive by donating a few hard earned pennies towards the cost of running the site, which I might add is also far smaller in running costs than most sites. We run on about a quarter of the budget some of our fellow sites and that in itself is no small task to achieve.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, I hope I kept it fairly short and as always Honest :-)

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