【HDR】新功能 New function
HDR support multi-language now, click the flag on top-right to switch.
This function uses gettext (a commonly-used i18N project), which supports all languages all over the world.
We‘ve finished english translation, may add more language later. 。。。。。。 本帖最后由 goshi 于 2013-8-6 12:20 编辑
Yes , that's a great news , Excellent . {:1_87:}
I hope , they shall make HDR more easiest for us . {:1_95:} {:7_751:}感谢分享 谢谢辛苦了 可惜没有号,进不了! 感谢告知 无号有开放吗 四川方言有没有? 感谢告知,上去看看{:7_709:} 感谢告知啊站的人气好像不如以前了 啊三小哥哥 发表于 2013-8-6 19:32:19 static/image/common/back.gif
你是四川的啊! 前提得有号