如题,系统是FREE NAS8,运行一段时间有就提示这个,WEB管理页面无法登陆。求解决方法,谢谢大家。 I get that message too about ZFS WARNING needing to be more then 512MB for pre fectching to work properly.That's just a warning and you can choose not to use ZFS when you create your volume, the wiki suggest UFS for low end machine with less than 4gig of memory.
The real issue is Jul 15 03:30:06 freenas kernel: pid 1479 (python), uid 0 was killed: out of swap space
Meaning you are running out of memory and the OS is closing down processes.
Here's one thing I notice that I overlook, if you have build-in video card, you might want to disable the share memory for the video card in the BIOS.
I was running on 128MB of ram perfectly fine but I don't have shared memory with my video card.
But you should still add more RAM if possible.
2、在BIOS里关闭集成显卡的共享内存 补充一下我装freenas的过程:
freenas 8.0.4 64bit
主机系统:win7 64bit 旗舰版,主板上有集成显卡,没在bios里禁用,目前用一块独显。
虚机:freebsd 64bit,内存:128M(这个是默认值)。
装完后出错 out of swap space,下了32bit的freenas,也是出错。
于是把虚机的内存改成了1024M,再也没提示错误。 学习来了。谢!