本帖最后由 h18253543 于 2010-5-10 16:29 编辑知名O-DAY站点开放注册
地址:http://www.wild-bytes.net/signup.php 晚了,已经满员了。
The current user account limit (7,000) has been reached. Inactive accounts are pruned all the time, please check back again later... OMG 我又赶上了 末班车? 我可能是最后一个注册的,注册信息提交后就出现上面一行字。我注册时,注册页面是出现的{:2_133:} 回复 4# hd2pt
好像可以填表申请啊~~管理你到这个网站的主页点注册看看,呵呵 Application sentYour application has succesfully been sent to the staff. Please be patient and you will recieve an email to inform you if you have been sucessful.
首页可以申请,但是偶的带宽...估计是没戏-_- Sorry
The current user account limit (7,000) has been reached. Inactive accounts are pruned all the time, please check back again later...
没赶上~ 回复 7# zjq861129
从首页点注册,不要使用这个链接 这个站,确实不知道他是干嘛的 这个站关的这么快。。。