本帖最后由 crunming 于 2010-9-19 17:18 编辑oštovani korisnici /亲爱的用户,
prošlo济godinu达纳外径卡德恩贾测绘处uveli NO比值又名freeleech缺小型脆弱托伦特缺距- ü
Povodom托加otvorili测绘处registracije缺猫vrijeme,zovite小型脆弱svoje poznanike我prijatelje曲乔斯尼苏članovi达本身učlane我大postanu迪奥奥雅纳激酶zajednice。
Registracije苏otvorene缺određeno vrijeme每年的IM朗诵达požure。
s poštovanjem工作人员
/ / / /
**** Hidden Message ***** 呵呵,晕了, Thanks for share. 谷歌翻的狗屁不通…多谢分享,是什么类型的 欢迎,你可以去/ seedati激流leechati,在论坛或IRC服务器上的讲话。 我们没有比的追踪器,所以不须要您维护任何上传比率/下载,但我们的唯一规则是,每一个下载的洪流,你是播种72小时或长达1.0的比例! 上传是为所有用户启用,我们只要求上载的规则进行,否则将不获批准。 也见的意愿部分。 很高兴有你加入我们的社区,我们希望你将留下一个良好的 。 如有问题请联系的财务和后勤系统的用户之一。 趣味
。:工作人员:。 进去的截个图看看,不想打酱油 这站没听过啊 进去的介绍下 本帖最后由 jja 于 2010-9-19 17:44 编辑
no ratio private tracker ,很好混不过界面不是英文?
13000+ 种子 0day 综合站
What is a "NO-Ratio" tracker, and how does it work?
The basic intention and the goal of a NO-Ratio tracker is achieving ahigher level of voluntary seeding (as well as increasing longer-timeseeding), without forcing an obligatory upload quantity. Simplified,"No Ratio" is exactly what it means, members are not obliged to seeduntil 1:1 ratio of downloaded:uploaded, nor globally, nor per torrent.
"Ok, so where is the catch"- you'll ask; "Will members not just snatchthe wanted material and flee away?". Well, no they will not, if theywant to keep their user account. This is where HnR points take the decisive role- when (and if) the member collects 10 HnR points, he/she will be automatically banned by the system script, which keeps tracks of all HnRs committed by members.
This kind of system does not permit nor encourages members to use thetorrents like they would on Mininova and other public trackers wherethere is no record of HnR points being kept per member or otherwise.Our system functions in the simple manner, following the rules which can be explained in one sentence: "Obligatory seeding during a defined time period", further information can be read here.
Some advantages of a NO-Ratio tracker:
- you can seed torrents from your home bandwidth, which is usuallyslower, and they do not have to be seeded for weeks in order to achievea 1:1 ratio
- a "constant" free leech on all torrents (great for downloading bigger torrents and especially torrent packs)
- by uploading more material, you are being promoted to a higher user class, by which you also gain certain benefits
What is a HnR?
HnR is anabbreviation of the phrase "Hit and Run"- immediate deletion of torrentfile from the torrent client, after having it downloaded (completed)-which suggests that you did not upload anything (in some cases, notablywith high quality bandwidths, seedboxes, etc., it is not rare toencounter parallel download/upload, so it may occur that afterfinishing the download you have already fulfilled the needed ratio). Wewould suggest that you seed the torrents downloaded as long aspossible, for the simple reason- give others the same downloadpossibilities as were provided for you.
Defining HnR
Minimal Seed Time: 72h during 14 days (does not have to be continuous*)
Minimal Ratio (per torrent): 1.0 (100%)
* in other words- you may turn off your computer for a few hours/days-the important thing is to have 72 hours in total, until the end of thefourteenth after having completed the torrent. Being late will not betolerated for anyone, so have it in mind; it is recommended to estimate75-80h seeding in order not to be late. Each and every Private Messagesent to staff members concerning the functioning of our HnR script willbe ignored.
If you download only one file from a torrent pack, you are obliged toupload the exact same quantity as the file's size indicates! So, inorder to avoid HnR points, seed the torrents until you reach a 1.0ratio, or at least 72h. It is recommended to seed above those minimalvalues.
HnR system functions as follows:
• 1-9 HnR points - an automatically issued warning
• 10 HnR points - an automatically issued ban
Removing HnR points:
• reseeding the HnR torrent, and keeping it seeded for 10 days, or until you achieve a 2.0 ratio (latter is recommended)
• you are free to use your karma points to remove the HnR point- 1 HnR "costs" 20 000 karma points
• donating, see the details on this link 看看地址{:2_99:} 谢谢分享啊,去看看 这站应该不错 去看看!!!!!!!!!!! 1楼是怎么翻译的啊 什么? 看看吧 看不懂,留名拿金币... 不是英文的就算了…… 不清楚是哪里的网站
有人说不是英文的 那悲情了 Thanks for share. 本帖最后由 lhmifish 于 2010-9-19 19:05 编辑
Thanks for share.