TorrentLeech: Invitations and Registrations Online
Written by quarkTuesday 30th of November 2010 03:41:13 PM
The invitation and registration systems are now available to be used. You can send (if you have available) invitations from the invitations tab in your profile. In case your friend does not receive your invitation, you have the option to delete it (and get it back) and resent it.
From the same tab, you can keep track of your invitees too.
All invitations that were sent before the site change, should be available to use for 1 week starting today.
Please don't bug us with messages like "i really had an invitation, and now i don't", since we cannot verify it and of course we are not going to give you one.
We also made several stylesheet optimizations, so you might want to clear your browser cache to get them
TL開放邀請囉,看看這幾天有沒有人要發一些,呵呵! TL好啊~想进很久了~ 我也很想进,也希望大神来发邀请 挺好的0day站点,想进..希望有好人来发邀请.. 虽然很想要邀请 但得先把自己的等级混上去 谢谢诶啦!{:3_286:} 我够想了,你们要给个邀请我才行的,老板 希望这两天能看到有人发邀请。 跟大家一样的心情 哇 期待TL关注关注 谢谢分享消息啊 0day还差TL和SCC哎 什么时候开放注册? 去打酱油去。如果有好资源久留下 我要,喜歡0day,有時間有空間有帶寬,希望能邀請我! 没有box根本不可能活下去的地方,让国内PT用户感受什么叫被PT玩。 看看有没有邀请。 本帖最后由 sweshi 于 2010-12-1 20:33 编辑
來看看 之前都沒成功
聽說排名不錯 國外論壇今天很多人發...
這邊還沒有高手要發呀~ 看看是啥站!什么站点啊?