On Saturday (4 December 2010), Waffles will be down for roughly six hours in order to perform some regular maintenance of the servers.During this time, we will have to bring down the database and web server components of the site, which will of course mean that the site will be unavailable during this time. During the maintenance of the database, the IRC invite bot will be unavailable as well, so you will either need to get in the channel before the database is brought down, or you will have to join #waffles.fm-help and request an invite there (the staffers manning that channel will need some proof of your membership on the site).
Additionally, we will be performing maintenance on the cache system, which may result in a large portion of people being logged out. If you have not done so already, make sure you have created a security question and answer, and note your inviter, your join date, and your passkey.
12月4日华夫饼进行6小时的停机维护,特此通知。 Waffles 路过围观下 {:2_129:} 这个貌似好久了~ down了有两天呢,唉。。。。。
本帖最后由 zeyao 于 2010-12-2 20:54 编辑如题~今天一上去就这样了~预计四号的维护 可是2号出了问题?
悲催~ 如果屬實一堆人會瘋掉.{:1_97:} 但愿可以恢复吧,祝福一下 还上不去
firefox 吓死我了,还以为连帐户都没了,不然就欲哭无泪. 汗,是上传会丢失啊,用户账户和数据不会变……LZ好好看看吧…… {:2_113:}看标题吓我一跳……
states and acounts are not affected 关键是我注册还没有两个月呢,o(╯□╰)o zeyao,摸摸~再继续努力刷吧~ {:1_83:}好不容易弄了十几G 上传 就这么给刷掉了? 没有号的表示无鸭梨 uploads是上传的种子而非上传数据
上传数据是stats 看到标题吓到了(虽然木有账号)进来看完又放心啦 ~ 呵呵,木有号啊,毫无压力~~