本帖最后由 sherry 于 2012-1-4 17:45 编辑UK-TWO is closing!
As you may have noticed or will notice UK-two is closing. I have triedevery avenue I could think of to keep it open but with low donations Isimply can not afford to pay yet another month. Uk-two has been a greatsite and pretty active but sadly in the entire time of its existanceonly one month have server costs been met by donations, all other monthshave been covered by autotron and fishy2. Now that fishy2 has decidedto walk away from UK-Two it has all fallen on my/autotrons head, Imanaged to scrape up the funds lat month to keep the site going andtried this month to stir activity by opening the doors to 1500 newmembers but alas the donations to keep the site going just where notthere.
It saddens me greatly to have to close UK-Two but economically I justcant do it any longer. Any one who has donated this month will get theirdonation refunded to them minus what ever paypal takes away for theirfee.
I do as an alternative offer invites to these two sites if your wish. Iam not offering these to enhance any site or carry over stats, but do soso you can still be at a site with familiar names and faces, both thesesites are unique from each other and offer different things and arestaffed by different staffs, both are not at risk in any way of closingand are well maintained the first is the oldest tracker still in existance (google it if you dont believe ) use this link to get some free goodies to start you off
the other is newer but equally as good and boasts great staff and active irc with radio
this link will also give you some free goodies to start with
(PS:这两家是Fatal Tracker & Pinkies Revenge)
As I said, I do not offer these invites to boost any particular site orbenefit in any way, I do it because I feel badly about having to closeyour home and hope you find a new home in one or both of these so allcan still be a happy family together
上个月才注册了一个号 谢谢告知!这家终于要关门大吉了。人气实在太差了。 感谢楼主发贴告知! 感谢楼主发贴告知! 这么有诗意的标题,一看就知道是Sherry大的。
{:1_94:} 感谢楼主发贴告知! 关一个,换两个,挣了么不是。 有点惋惜 感谢楼主发贴告知! Sherry的翻译看起来很舒服! 支持,每天都来看看 又关了一个,唉。。。 比之P2P捐款的火爆,看来资源特色是王道。。。无论你曾经多么辉煌{:2_105:} 木有号啊…… 感谢楼主发贴告知! 貌似木有听过。。。 没人气就要关闭啊··· 楼主一贯的中英双语真好,谢谢分享 虽无缘相遇,但也觉悲剧