... and we got you a big bag of presents to commemorate the occasion!
New Userclass: HD Fanatic will be our top userclass from now on, requiring 4TiB of upload, a 2.0 ratio and membership time of one year. Along with this new userclass come fundamental changes to the other classes as well. We have lowered the ratio requirements for the higher classes and re-evaluated the privileges associated with them:
New iMDb integration: Our fantastic coder has not only been fixing bugs all over the site but also been hard at work on bringing you a new and improved iMDb integration, which we unveil today:
You will be able to set the default behaviour (open/closed) in your profile.
Birthday bonus invites: Since a "birthday" open signup was out of the question we decided to give out bonus invites to our most trusted users instead. These invites will expire in 4 days, use them wisely and do not forget that the same invite rules as for "normal" invites apply!
HD Specialist: 1 invite
HD Fanatic: 2 invites
VIP: 3 invites
Half Leech and bonus upload: We will have one week of half leech and bonus upload, in numbers: From now until April 20th, 23:59 CET, only 50% of your download counts, while upload will count 125% (this does not include upload counted for bonus)!