Trackers these days are becoming more and more open about helping other members of their community to become members at other torrent communities. For example, Tracker X will allow staff, or other elite members of Tracker Z, to post on the forums of Tracker X for invites to Tracker Z. However, considering this is a very wonderful privelage, most of these sites are forcing members to be of a certain status in order to obtain these privelages.
Below is a list of torrent sites, that offer unlimited torrent invites to other trackers. I do this mainly because, as far as some sites go, in all honesty all you need to do is become a Power User or above at one site and you should be able to get all the invites you want/need to other sites.
This list is certainly not 100% nor definitive, and I'm trying to only name the somewhat big-named trackers, however I will list as much as I can. If any of you can submit any additional information to this list, I would very much appreciate it. Remember though, this is only for unlimited invite offers, not the offers where people have one or two, or even twenty invites. Unlimited only!
Now, for the list of these places (and more to come): Waffles, NTorrents, BitMeTV, BitMe