Some Changes And Stuffs!!!! 5 days, 3 hours ago
You may notice some new things when you log in and look around today.
Here's a list of stuff to notice.
1.) Your Ratio is now displayed next to your Total Traffic. This is not because we changed the rules or anything. Its just there as a reminder of where your at and so you can see your epeen if you care about that stuff.
2.) Your Fame Points in the user info bar will now update to the correct amount as your given bonus points.
3.) IRC Idle bonus now works so you get 1 point per hour your on irc all you have to do is join the channel and the bot will handle the rest for you no need to identify or anything. Enjoy
4.) There is now Staff Inbox link located next to the link for your Inbox. Feel free to use that if you need to contact the staff for any reason as its faster and more guaranteed to get to the staff than posting in the forums.
Edit: 5) New IRC as well. Yes yes, I know, "QUIT MOVING THE IRC CHAN" but really, this is a good move.