Link-urile prin care vă putem verifica sunt obligatorii.
Exemplu cont GFTracker : http://xxx/userdetails.php?id=xxx
2.Prezentati 2 link-uri directe ,link-uri rezultate din 2 speed test-uri ,unul facut pe Bucureşti,iar celelalt pe New York sau dovezi seedbox!
Da [ ] Nu[ ]
4.Motivul pentru care merit să fiu promovat?
5.Ştiu cum se creează un torent.
Da [ ] Nu[ ]
6.Sunt conştient de faptul că trebuie sa stau la seed pâna exista cel puţin alţi 5 seederi.
Da [ ] Nu[ ]
7.Am cel puțin 4 săptămâni vechime pe tracker .
Da [ ] Nu[ ]
8.Raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari:
a.) Ce iti propui sa uploadezi? ( Ce materiale, in ce categorie, scene / nonscene?)
b.) Ce pretime vor avea torrentele urcate de tine? (In medie)
c.) Ce reprezinta: pretime Scene Non-Scene 0-day Top-Sites?
Fiecare in parte. Incercati sa evitati raspunsuri de genul: Voi urca orice, voi avea un pretime cat mai mic.
NOTE: • Cererile incomplete nu vor fi luate în considerare!
• Nu vă deranjaţi să enumeraţi conturile de pe trackerele româneşti.
• Sa nu faceti parte din staff-ul unui tracker romanesc/intern.
• Sa aveti minim 4-5 surse mentionate mai sus.
• Toate cererile sunt analizate cu atenţie.
• Userii care trimit cereri false vor fi sancţionaţi.
• Nu trimiteti PM-uri in care sa intrebati daca sunteti sau nu promovati, veti primi raspunsul asteptat, intr-un final.
• Nu trimiteti mai multe PM-uri, unul singur este suficient.
• Ganditi-va de 5 ori inainte de a trimite aplicatia pentru ca pot aparea surprize oarecum neplacute - warn/disable.
• Rugam seriozitate!
Aplicati aici!
Multumim!Last edited by Impulsive at 2011-07-07 12:50:34 GMT
2011-07-07 - Uploaders Wanted!
Uploader Application Form
1. Specify external sources, at least four of the following:
Example GFTracker account: http://xxxx/userdetails.php?id=xxx
2. Present two direct links, links from two speed test sites, one made in Bucharest and the other
in New York or evidence seedbox!
3. Experience (where?)
Yes [] No []
4.The reason it deserves to be promoted?
5. I know how to create a torrent.
Yes [] No []
6. I am aware that I have to stay there until at least the seed 5 other seeders.
Yes [] No []
7.Am at least 4 weeks old on tracker.
Yes [] No []
8. Answer the following questions: a.) What do you propose to upload? (What materials in what category, scene / nonscene?) b.) What will pretime torrents you climbed? (Average) c.) What is: pretime scene Non-Scene 0-day Top-Sites? Each. Try to avoid answers like: I will climb anything, I have a little more pretime.
NOTES: . Incomplete applications will not be considered! . Do not bother to list the accounts of the Romanian trackers. . Do not make part of the staff of Romanian tracker / internal. . Have at least 4-5 sources mentioned above. . All applications are considered carefully. . Users who submit false claims will be punished. . Do not send PM's that you ask whether you are promoted, you get the expected response, finally. . Do not send more PM's, one is enough. . Think of five times before submitting the application that may occur somewhat unpleasant
surprises - warn / disable. . Please seriously!
Apply here! Thank you!
Last edited by impulsive at 07/07/2011 12:50:34 GMT
8. 回答以下问题: a.) 你打算上传的内容是什么?(哪个分类下,scene / nonscene?) b.) 你一般会抓哪些pretime的种子?
c.) 什么是: pretime scene Non-Scene 0-day Top-Sites?
Each. Try to avoid answers like: I will climb anything, I have a little more pretime.
. 不完整的申请表将不予考虑 . Do not bother to list the accounts of the Romanian trackers. . Do not make part of the staff of Romanian tracker / internal. . 至少有4-5个上面提到的资源来源 . 所有的申请都会被认真审核 . 提交虚假信息的申请者会受到惩罚 . 不要发送PM询问是否被提升了,迟早你会得到回复了的. . 不要多次发送PM,1个就足够了. . 提交申请前请考虑清楚,不然可能会出现不愉快的意外:比如 警告/禁用什么的. . 请认真对待!
Apply here! Thank you!
Last edited by impulsive at 07/07/2011 12:50:34 GMT