本帖最后由 KIceman 于 2011-11-11 21:55 编辑
1.HDChina外站BBS管理员 大!美!女!起舞弄清影今明两日大婚(撒花),祝福新娘新郎新婚快乐!喜结同心!心心相印!早生贵子!(以下省略祝福1w字....)
To celebrate the matrimony of our administrator "起舞弄清影" and the birth of our encoder "Vamdem"'s frist son, also, for the unique festival of "Day of Bachelor"(Nov. 11th, keep it in mind ~), staff made decisions as follow:
1. Set freeleeech for the website until 10PM of Nov. 13th.
2. Users who has the grade equal to /prior to "编剧" are able to sent invites now, they will automatically get a time-limited invite (which is going to expire at 10PM of Nov. 13th. ).
Notice that registration in order to get commercial benefit are strictly forbidden. Trying to get multi-accounts or trading your account will definitely get your account banned.
—HDChina Staff—
ps:老人们在哪里?出来发码吧~ {:2_111:}