[18:24] == utt [[email protected]] has joined #TvT.Help[18:25] <utt> hello,i'm back
[18:25] == add1981 [[email protected]] has joined #TvT.Help
[18:25] == mode/#TvT.Help [+o add1981] by ChanServ
[18:27] <utt> although i was banned, but i have a suggestion for the site
[18:27] <@add1981> utt, what is the problem?
[18:27] <utt> i have a suggestion
[18:28] <utt> for the user who don't use the site for a certain time,before u disable them,you can send a warning email
[18:29] <@add1981> did you read the Rules/FAQ?
[18:29] <utt> no i read the rules but not faq
[18:30] <@add1981> you should
[18:30] <utt> yes i sugget that u can send an warning email
[18:31] <utt> the hd club do like this
[18:31] <utt> they send me a warning email
[18:31] <wonder_> and we do the same, but only to the users that used the account
[18:31] <@add1981> I suggest you read the FAQ
[18:31] <wonder_> you had 0 up/down
[18:31] <@add1981> Unparked accounts are disabled when 50 days have elapsed since the last recorded activity. To prevent disabling user's accounts we send an e-mail after 40 days of inactivity.
[18:32] == wonder_ has changed nick to wonder
[18:32] <utt> ok,i know,i'm sorry
[18:34] <utt> but i think there should be an warning email either in this case
[18:35] <wonder> again, we sent email but only to the users that means for our tracker, a.k.a users that used the account
[18:37] <wonder> user like you, can go
[18:38] <utt> i mean everyone who register the site
[18:39] <utt> i also u/l is zero in hd-club,and they send me an warning email
[18:39] <utt> i just suggest
[18:39] <wonder> we have our own rules, we don't care what other trackers do
[18:39] <wonder> bye
[18:43] <wonder> why should we waste resources for users that do not help community at all?