We've replaced all the temporary servers with new the long-term BTN owned gear and made some improvements along the way.
As a massive thankyou to the generous donors that came through when BTN needed them; we've turned on their invites! this is also extended to anyone that has donated (ever) to BTN, so ALL DONORS can invite their friends until 1 July!!!!!
And just so no one feels left out, EVERYONE can send their invites for the next 12 hours!
--These are proper invites, not codes for interviews or applications for an invite etc; each of your invites that you use, will send your intended invitee' an invitation email containing a unique sign-up URL--
Please Remember: Unofficial BTN invite giveaways anywhere are prohibited. This also covers trading/selling your invites. Abuse of the invite system will see it removed. If you or your invitees are caught in this practice, you will be banned and your invite tree will be in danger.