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[求助/讨论] Request for hdchina invitation

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发表于 2012-6-23 03:27:52 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 goshi 于 2012-6-23 04:07 编辑

Hi ,
    First of all , i want to say sorry to all because this is a chinese site and i can not read and write chinese language so i am using google translate for chinese language and sometime google translate do not give me a proper answer , so please understand my problems . maybe this is not a right forum for request an invitation for hdchina and i can not access whole site therefore i made a post here , so please undersatnd me and i want to say sorry in Advance .
I live in S.Korea but i am not a korean but i have a permanent residency of Korea .

i need an invitation for hdchina , i know this is very difficult but not impossible . i have experience of private trackers very well and i can improve every requirement of site with seedbonus , so you don't need to worry and don't hesitate for this .and give me  a chance to join this great community . i need your help !

I have 100MB connection :

Note : i did not stop my utorrent client when i take this speedtest  !

check my other PT proof :

Notes : I joined hdroad last month on 2012-05-22 and completed all assessment of site in two weeks and i joined other
chinese trackers few months ago !
Please do not look at my download amount because mostly new torrents free available on chinese trackers !

Utorrent  proof

I have already 6tb hdd but few days ago i bought a new 3tb hdd for hdchina , now i have 6+3 = 9tb
my 6tb hdd almost full and now i have 3tb free space , so i can leech and seed a lot of data .

This is all about me for your satisfaction , now this is depend on you that what is your decision !

I can provide you my email address any time when you call me !

Best Regards  !


goshi楼主 发表于 2012-6-23 03:37:49 | 查看全部
I think i choose a wrong option for my post . i mean about this (  [已解决]  )  !
@ staff , please correct this .

Thanks in Advance !
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wangjian167@2Lv.9 发表于 2012-6-23 09:07:18 | 查看全部
对于一个不远万里的外国人来说 解释和赚取那些代币实在是一件过于复杂的事情

咸恩静李章宇 Fighting!
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sgyanj_r4wLv.10 发表于 2012-6-23 09:14:14 | 查看全部
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52baidu 发表于 2012-6-23 09:37:55 | 查看全部
very nice proof.
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52baidu 发表于 2012-6-23 09:39:06 | 查看全部
wangjian167 发表于 2012-6-23 09:07
对于一个不远万里的外国人来说 解释和赚取那些代币实在是一件过于复杂的事情
以后如果 ...



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A酱Lv.10 发表于 2012-6-23 09:56:15 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 ohpilrieo 于 2012-6-23 09:58 编辑

the wonderful bandwidth and the nice pt proof will surely bring you an invitation for hdc,so just wait and take it easy~^_^
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banish 发表于 2012-6-23 10:14:13 | 查看全部
I was wandering  why the username was Erased.
or we can borrow pics from others.
at last i was a bad guy.
别人出于隐私保护这点可以理解的,我也这样啊  详情 回复
发表于 2012-6-23 10:26
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cjsgtcLv.6 发表于 2012-6-23 10:29:48 | 查看全部
banish 发表于 2012-6-23 10:14
I was wandering  why the username was Erased.
or we can borrow pics from others.
at last i was a b ...

发表于 2012-6-23 15:46
买卖和交换邀请最早就是外国人干出来的  详情 回复
发表于 2012-6-23 15:46
好吧。我也这么想的。。  详情 回复
发表于 2012-6-23 15:29
好吧,其实我也是这么想的。。。  详情 回复
发表于 2012-6-23 11:37
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goshi楼主 发表于 2012-6-23 11:27:18 | 查看全部
ohpilrieo 发表于 2012-6-23 09:56
the wonderful bandwidth and the nice pt proof will surely bring you an invitation for hdc,so just wa ...

Thanks a lot , waiting for a good news ~
发表于 2012-6-23 15:29
14 floor, leave your email, he will sent you  详情 回复
发表于 2012-6-23 15:29
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zpleeLv.5 发表于 2012-6-23 13:31:26 | 查看全部
good luck.

If i have one ,i will send it to you.But i do not have enough  bonus.

Just wait, there will be someone to give the invitation to you.

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zpleeLv.5 发表于 2012-6-23 13:32:40 | 查看全部
If you want a invitation of CHDbits ,I can help you.

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Milee22@2Lv.5 发表于 2012-6-23 13:50:11 | 查看全部
发表于 2012-6-23 15:28
可以发~坛子里难得出现国际友人~  详情 回复
发表于 2012-6-23 15:28

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Milee22@2Lv.5 发表于 2012-6-23 13:53:36 | 查看全部
@goshiSend your email address to me and i will give you an invitation of HDC
我想知道为什么楼主贴的都是国内站点 没有韩国的站点  详情 回复
发表于 2012-6-23 15:47

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g3733738Lv.8 发表于 2012-6-23 14:04:15 | 查看全部
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123ABDLv.9 发表于 2012-6-23 14:04:54 | 查看全部
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sinn 发表于 2012-6-23 15:24:08 | 查看全部
zplee 发表于 2012-6-23 13:32
If you want a invitation of CHDbits ,I can help you.

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cjsgtcLv.6 发表于 2012-6-23 15:27:22 | 查看全部
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goshi楼主 发表于 2012-6-23 15:42:49 | 查看全部
Milee22 发表于 2012-6-23 13:50

Don't worry about this ^^
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goshi楼主 发表于 2012-6-23 15:50:42 | 查看全部
本帖最后由 goshi 于 2012-6-23 16:17 编辑
Milee22 发表于 2012-6-23 13:53
@goshiSend your email address to me and i will give you an invitation of HDC

email address sent .
Billions Thanks to Milee22 and Billions Thanks to those who support me here !

Best Regards !
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