The comment area in every torrent page is meant for sharing (posters, ideas, etc) among members as well as to express our gratitude towards uploaders. This has been true for such a long time.
However, the recent trend is quite the opposite. Number of comments with demands such as asking for more disc, audio track, subtitles or even begging for discount is on the rise. Some even post negative comments such as "bad movie" / "lousy quality" / "silly drama" etc. which is very discouraging, not only towards the uploader but as well as fellow members whom intend to download the torrent. This normally happens a lot among particular type of torrent and the admin team is taking this seriously. 4 to 8 weeks warning will be given upon each offend, and immediate ban will be awarded for extremely serious case.
Reply with nothing but only smileys is stricly forbidden; usage of ambiguous smiley such as in a normal comment is considered illegal as well.