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爆米花 邀请系统调整,顺势蹭进去了,看了一眼讨论帖,貌似……邀请系统的调整只是低调防止mpaa 耳目混入?
2. How do you mean? If you had 0 invites they were increased, if you had more than 1 than yes they were reduced, or do you mean the monthly allotments? As for the monthly, this is a security decision, it's great that some people are the perfect inviter, but a lot of people aren't, and things like this will reduce the risk of invites going out in shady ways, where there is no more vetting of the new user than "show me proofs" that can be easily faked. I personally don't care about traders/sellers except for the fact that the way they grant access to this site allows for a very easy pathway for mpaa and other dangerous entities. Not to say that having invites at all won't allow a pathway, but reigning in the availability will make it more difficult.有的人很会邀请够资格的人,可大部分人不是。这种措施有利于降低邀请滥用的风险……有人卖账号啊什么的我个人不在乎,可是邀请发得太随便容易招MPAA 等危险物体。 3. Security homey, we feel that this move is the best we can do to compromise between the security and longevity of the site, and the availability for new users to join. We did pretty much just fine with closed invites, so there isn't a huge need to increase users. 安全和网站的持久发展总得有个折衷……
讨论楼已经盖到 170多了,我英语一般,还有不少人歪楼、吐槽……{:7_754:} 看着沸反盈天的,说错了请指正
另外有人说捐赠$6 就可以得一个invite,好像是这样的,不过不支持Paypal…… 有心的人可以留意一下
另外如果有什么混爆米花的经验,也不妨分享一下,注册只送2G buffer 伤不起啊{:7_701:}