Peasant User分享率在0.3以下而且一礼拜下载超过1G会收到警告,此期间只能上传不能下载, 俩礼拜没改善就会降成Peasant,Peasant俩礼拜没改善就会被删号; User 普通用户默认等级; Power User 注册至少四周,上传50G以上,ratio在1.05以上。能够请求续种,查看Top10,能申请UPloader。每月会送一枚邀请。
As long as you seed your HNR torrents until the end of the month (not constantly, a few hours a day, as long as you can). If you don't seed your HNR torrents at the end of the month, you will receive a warning via PM to not do that again, the next month a warning from a staff (1 week / 2 week) and 3rd strike is disable.
我的理解是:如果你在月底之前一直在上传HR种(没必要全天挂着,每天几小时就够了,当然时间越长越好),就不会有问题。否则会收到一个PM警告,如果第二个月你的HR种子还是没有活动,就会收到管理组的一个警告(1或2个礼拜),如果第三个月还继续则"strike is disable"(这个我理解为敲击键盘无效,也就是他会一直成为你的HR,直至你采取措施消除)
Every 6 months, the list will be reset to 0, what does that mean? It means that every hit and run you made during the previous months, will be removed from your record. If you have 10-20 HNR torrents in your list BUT you're still seeding them, the system WILL NOT give you any warnings or disable your account. They will just be removed from the list and at most you will get a PM saying you should be more careful what you download, meaning you shouldn't download too many torrents if you think you can't seed them properly.
If you're still seeding a HNR torrent after 6 months, the download on that torrent will be reset to 0 and will not be considered a HNR anymore.