root@LS-QL3B8:/mnt/disk1/Download# useradd admin
useradd: user admin exists
root@LS-QL3B8:/mnt/disk1/Download# passwd admin
Changing password for admin
Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 127 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
New password:
Bad password: too simple.
Warning: weak password (enter it again to use it anyway).
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Password changed.
-sh-3.2$ transmission-daemon -f
[22:51:51.748] Couldn't create "/home/.config": Permission denied
[22:51:51.750] Couldn't create "/home/.config": Permission denied
[22:51:51.753] Couldn't bind port 51413 on Address already in use
[22:51:51.777] Couldn't create "/home/.config": Permission denied
[22:51:51.778] RPC Server: Adding address to whitelist:
[22:51:51.782] RPC Server: Serving RPC and Web requests on port 9091
[22:51:51.784] RPC Server: Whitelist enabled
[22:51:51.785] Transmission 1.76 (9395) started
[22:51:52.167] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP): initnatpmp succeeded (0)
[22:51:52.167] Port Forwarding (NAT-PMP): sendpublicaddressrequest succeeded (2)
[22:51:54.182] Port Forwarding (UPnP): Found Internet Gateway Device ""
[22:51:54.183] Port Forwarding (UPnP): Local Address is ""
[22:51:54.193] Port Forwarding (UPnP): Port forwarding through "", service "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1". (local address:
[22:51:54.193] Port Forwarding (UPnP): Port forwarding successful!
[22:51:54.193] Port Forwarding: Forwarded
[22:59:28.540] Couldn't open "/home/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json": No such file or directory
[22:59:28.540] Saved "/home/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json"
[22:59:28.542] Couldn't open "/home/.config/transmission-daemon/stats.json": No such file or directory
[22:59:28.542] Port Forwarding: Stopped
[22:59:28.550] Port Forwarding (UPnP): Stopping port forwarding through "", service "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"
[22:59:28.550] Port Forwarding: Not forwarded
Closing transmission session... done.
I created this debrick list for my office and thought I'd share it. Nearly all of the information was created from various posts already on the forum.
1. Download a TFTP server software (TFTPD32 is an example:
2. Download acp_commander.jar to the directory of your choice: ( ... COMMANDER/)
3. Download and install java (
4. Download and extract the latest firmware to the directory of your choice
5. Rename initrd.img to and hddrootfs.img to
6. Unzip both zip files to the same directory as the extracted firmware files, by using one of the following passwords:
7. Connect the TSP directly to your computer via the ethernet port (you might need a crossover cable)
8. Change the computer’s ethernet IP settings to -
9. Setup the TFTP server directory to your directory of choice (the same directory as the unzipped firmware files in point 4. above)
10. Disable all firewalls on your computer and start the TFTP server program
11. Turn on (reboot) your TSP
12. While booting up your TSP should automatically request two files: initrd.buffalo and uImage.buffalo. If your TSP does not request these files and continues to display boot errors check all of your connectivity and IP settings and ensure that the lan led light on the TSP is on. If you are still getting boot errors you will most likely need to rebuild your disk partitions (jump to point 25. below)
13. If your TSP boots, it might enter into Emergency Mode “EM” (the TSP will contain EM towards the end of its host name) try running the TSUpdater.
14. If the update still fails try editing the file lsupdater.ini by adding at the end of the file:
Debug = 1
15. You can also try changing:
VersionCheck = 1
VersionCheck = 0
16. Run TSUpdater and right click the taskbar icon of the updater program. Click on Debug for more options. Try forcing the update by selecting the force update option.
17. If the update is still not working try using acp_commanger by opening a command (prompt) window and running the following command from the same directory as the acp_commander.jar file):
java -jar acp_commander.jar -t –cb
(you might have to repeat the above command a couple of times until you see confirmation of success) and try running TSUpdater again
18. If the TSP is still not working you will most likely need to rebuild your disk partitions but before embarking on this endeavour you should probably quickly verify the disks (you can also jump directly to point 25. to rebuild your disks). Open a command (prompt) window and run the following command from the same directory as the acp_commander.jar file):
java -jar acp_commander.jar -t –o
(you might have to repeat the above command a couple of times until you see confirmation of success)
19. Telnet to the TSP by running the following command from the command prompt:
Login using the username
there is no password, just hit enter
20. Check your partitions by typing the following command
fdisk –l
(If the list of partitions are all empty jump to point 25.)
sda1 should be bootable and formatted ext3
sda2 should be formatted xfs
21. Check the partition usage as sda1 may contain too many files by running
df –h
(the –h is optional)
22. Check if sda1 contains the 2 files initrd.buffalo and uImage.buffalo:
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /boot
cd /boot
23. Check if sda2 contains a whole bunch of files and folders:
mount -t xfs /dev/sda2 /rootfs
cd /rootfs
24. Try running the TSUpdater again (sda1 might be full as per point 21. above. Try deleting all files except initrd.buffalo and uImage.buffalo in the /boot directory)
25. If you are still experiencing problems you will need to rebuild your disk(s). To rebuild your disk you will need to connect your disk to a PC running Ubuntu, Knoppix or similar. These two programs offer a downloadable bootable CD which you can use on most computers. Simply install/connect the TSP disk to your computer and boot up your computer with the bootable Ubuntu or Knoppix CD. The information below is based on commands used on a computer running Ubuntu. Please remember that you will require all the files you extracted from the firmware file in the directory of your choice once you have booted with Ubuntu. A USB memory stick is quite useful for this purpose.
26. Once booted with Ubuntu, create a directory on your desktop called tsp (right click the desktop and choose new folder). Copy all the firmware files, including the unzipped password protected files to the tsp directory on your desktop.
27. Open a terminal window from the applications menu at the top left hand side of the screen and type:
sudo –s -H
fdisk –l
(you should see the name of your disk, probably something like /dev/hda or /dev/hdb or /dev/sda or /dev/sdb. If you have more than one disk you might be able to differentiate them by size)
28. Once you know the name of your disk type:
cfdisk /dev/???
(replace ??? with the three letter code of your disk. We will use sda as the three letter code for the following example)
29. If there are any existing partitions delete all of them using the up and down arrow and the delete menu at the bottom of the screen
30. Create the following partitions using the arrow keys and the menus on the bottom of the screen:
sda1 Bootable Primary Linux 205MB
sda2 Primary Linux 500MB
sda5 Extented Linux/Swap 510MB (might be optional)
sda6 Extended Linux XXXXMB (remainder of the disk – might be optional)
(If you are planning on "customising" your unit, you should consider increasing the sda2 partition size)
31. Write the changes before you exit cfdisk
32. You should now format your partitions:
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
mkfs.xfs /dev/sda2
mkfs.xfs /dev/sda6
mkswap –c /dev/sda5
(the –c is optional)
33. Mount the /boot and /rootfs file systems:
mount –t ext3 /dev/sda1 /boot
mount –t xfs /dev/sda2 /rootfs
34. Copy the files initrd.buffalo and uImage.buffalo to /boot:
cd /home/ubuntu/Desktop/tsp/
cp initrd.buffalo /boot
cp uImage.buffalo /boot
35. Extract the content of hddrootfs.buffalo.updated to /rootfs:
cd /rootfs
tar zxvf /home/ubuntu/Desktop/tsp/hddrootfs.buffalo.updated
36. Unmount the 2 file systems:
umount /dev/sda1
umount /dev/sda2
37. Disconnect the disk from your computer and reinstall the disk in the TSP
38. Turn on (reboot) your TSP
39. Your TSP should boot normally and you should see Loading Kernel on the LCD display, try running the TSUpdater again as per points 13. through to 17. above
40. If you are still having problems, rebuild all remaining TSP disk in the same manner as described in points 28. through to 36. And try the TSUpdater again as per points 13. through to 17. above