把你帐号回复或PM我 我给你6000的积分 应该可以用5000换32.5G上传 主要是我之前换过了 就剩这么多了 然后下几百个小种子挂着 也就几G的空间 经常挂着换上传就不会有问题了 因为“ Do not forget that you will be held responsible for the user you bailed out.” 所以以后不要有分享率不够的情况出现
帐号解除限制了 好像积分没到帐吧 (不能送积分。。。) 不能送的话就得靠你自己了。
You bailed out XXX with 250 points (using 2500 points from your amount).
Be reminded that you are "responsible" for that user now. Please educate him on how to seed and keep a good ratio in the future.
If he fails to do so and go's on ratio watch or the restricted class again, you WILL be accountable for this.
红了。我看到了,每小时增加0.075 那现在种子不能挂,还能怎么办呢
Bonus points are awarded for seeding completed torrents. Every hour you are awarded 0.075 points for each completed torrent you're seeding.