A few of our members had been enquiring about the status of the donation system for the past few days, so we figured an announcement regarding donations was in order. So, here goes -
As some of you may already know, operating a BT tracker involves allocation of financial resources to pay for essentials such as web space, bandwidth, processing power, domains, SSL certificates, encrypted tunnels etc.
Beathau5, being a non profit entity, relies exclusively on the generosity and support of its members and staffers to continue providing the best environment to its members to share EDM content, as well as sustain its inevitable growth.
Having said that, we'd appreciate any form of contribution from our members to help Beathau5 flourish. In order to make this task simple, we have integrated PayPal into our donation system and have extended support for the popular online currency called BitCoin. You can Donate to beathau5 by clicking HERE
Once you have sent your donation, please send a PM to Diabolik with the details of your transaction, so that required changes can be made to your account.
Donors get the following perks -
Our eternal love, as represented by the you get next to your name along with a warm fuzzy feeling.
Secondary Donor Class which comes with some interesting features on site.
Please be aware that by making a donation you aren't purchasing donor status or invites. You are helping us pay the bills and cover the costs of running the site. We are doing our best to give our love back to donors but sometimes it might take more than 48 hours. Feel free to contact us by sending us a Staff PM regarding any matter. We will answer as quickly as possible.
Part II-
Thanks to our wonderfully talented and beautiful AzzA, we now have SSL forced by default. However, if you require SSL off for some insane reason, you can turn it off in your profile. There is a checkbox about halfway down the page.